Grant Management Unit

The Grants Management Unit is charged with planning and implementing grant processes and systems, monitoring/auditing grant recipient performance and impact, and producing reports on federal and state requirements. The Unit manages four grant funded programs: One-on-One and Group Mentoring Program, Juvenile Continuum funding, federal JJDPA Title 2 funding, and Juvenile Community Corrections Program. The juvenile audience for each funding program is as follows:

One-on-One and Group Mentoring Program

At-risk youth populations that could benefit from a mentoring experience.

Juvenile Continuum Grant and federal JJDPA Title II funding

At-risk youth and youth receiving referrals to juvenile probation that could benefit from program interventions that will keep them from juvenile justice system involvement.

Juvenile Community Corrections Program

Adjudicated delinquent youth on juvenile probation or facility and supervised release that could benefit community supports and programming.